IVK Mo'fyah Hot Wings Challenge
Portion of 10 wings in five minutes or less
Minimum of five challengers
The challenge will last for ten minutes - five minutes for wings another five minutes seated
and you're not allowed to take a beverage
Participants involved are only allowed to drink items purchased at the Stratford East Bar (paid for by themselves at the bar) or no drink at all
Participants must be 18 or over
5 participants minimum for the Competition to commence
Maximum 80 participants at any one time
£10 entrance fee for participants - available through Eventbrite (link to be added)
Participants must finish all 10 wings completely
I.e. no meat left on bone
Participants with the cleanest finish wing i.e. just the bone and with there hand up first is the winner
I.e. 1st to finish from the start of the stopwatch to the 1st to finish all 10 wings.. with their hand up
Judges decision (supervising staff / judging competitions)
Prizes to be handed out at the end of each competition with five or more participants
Competitions will not be held with less than five competitors
Competitors are encouraged to bring along family and friends to participate or support
Please bear in mind any additional beverages required are to purchase by the participants
Outside drinks and not permitted at this competition
All participants are expected to fill in a waiver document prior to starting the competition.. this is to give any participants full responsibility for the undertaking of this challenge
IVK encourages those with health or underlying medical conditions to not undertake this challenge
These IVK wings are extremely hot so hence the competition.. these particular wings are not available on our IVK stand menu at this time.. they are created specifically for this challenge
All our meat products are certified halal.. using 100% quality ingredients.. with vegan and gluten-free options available
Prizes on offer include
A bottle of Caribbean rum
Or bottle of Sparkling wine
And/or 2 free meals from the IVK menus
Plus additional 20% off any future meals from IVK for 1 year at all IVK from competition date
Competition winners will also have the opportunity to be showcased on our winners board on our website
Competition intended to be held Monthly
(proposed dates 19th of every month)
At theIsland Vibez Kitchen (IVK) restaurant, located inside the:
Stratford East Bar
Gerry Raffles Square, London
E15 1BN
A letter of consent or waiver when competing in the hot wings challenge - (still to be amended)
I.e.. I hear by read and understand that I take this challenge at my own risk
Being of sound mind and good health
This challenge is created as a bit of fun but these wings are IVK special recipe super spicy and not to be underestimated
By sign this waiver i agree to take this challenge at your own risk
Participant signature -
Manager signature -
Rules and Grounds for Disqualification of the IVK 10 Deadly Wings Challenge
Are you sure you want to do this?
there’s no shame in backing out
You must eat 10 chicken wings in 5 minutes
All wings must be clean of meat
There is a 5 minute burn period after completion
You must stay seated for the full duration of the challenge
You must eat the chicken wings of the bone ( no picking the meat off)
You must not drink during the challenge and during the burn time
You must use your fingers to eat the wings
Gloves must be worn during the challenge
You may not wipe the sauce off the chicken wings
You must not be under the influence of any substance
You must complete and sign the disclaimer prior to the challenge
You cannot start the challenge prior to the starting signal
You cannot wipe your mouth with any form of cloth or clothing including napkins
during the challenge
You cannot go to the bathroom
The challenge must be witnessed and timed by an authorized judge
You agree that any photos taken during the challenge can be used on our
social media pages (win or lose)
Any increase in sexual performance after the challenge is purely coincidental
Vomiting will result in instant disqualification and total shame
Remember you agreed to do the challenge. Don’t blame anyone else
Have you made a will?
Good Luck. You are going to need it
IVK Mo'fyah Hot Wings WINNERS

All our meals are HALAL
For full allergen ingredients or any other additional information please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff when you place your order or please feel free to contact us if we can help in anyway